USDA Funder Focus: An Overview & Proposal Considerations for USDA Agencies & Initiatives

27 Mar 1:00 pm

Bost North Auditorium/Virtual


1:00                       Welcome and Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Stephanie Hyche, Director, Office of Research Development

1:10 – 1:25         Keynote Speaker(s): Dr. Dionne Toombs, Associate Director for Programs, Office of the Director, USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture

1:25 – 1:45         Dr. Cassie McGee, Special Project Grant Coordinator, MAFES Administration

Discussion on USDA agency/branches that have COMPETITIVE funding

1:45 – 2:00         Tina Kinard, Associate Director, Office of Sponsored Projects

Discussion on USDA agency/branches that support NON-COMPETITIVE  

2:00 – 2:15         BREAK 

2:15 – 3:00         MSU Administrative Panel Discussion (Moderator: LeLe Kirkpatrick, ORD)

Sonya Baird, Manager of Facilities and Research, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology & Plant Pathology

Natalie Belk, Contract and Grant Specialist II, MAFES

Matt Capella, Program and Grant Development Specialist, MSU Extension Administration

Haleigh Fason, Contract and Grant Specialist II, FWRC

Tina Kinard, Associate Director, Office of Sponsored Projects

Mary Ann Latham, Program and Grant Development Specialist, MAFES

KarLee Perkins, Grants and Contracts Administrator, Office of Sponsored Projects

3:00 – 3:10         BREAK

3:10 – 4:00         MSU Faculty Panel of USDA Awardees (Moderator: Stephanie Hyche, ORD)

Dr. Joby Czarnecki, Associate Research Professor, Geosystems Research Institute (NIFA)

Dr. Drew Gholson, Assistant Professor & Coordinator, NCAAR, Delta Research & Extension Center (ARS/NRCS)

Dr. Mohammad Marufuzzaman, Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Industrial & Systems Engineering (NIFA)

Dr. Mary Nelson Robertson, Assistant Professor, School of Human Sciences (Early Career/NIFA)

Dr. Mark Shankle, Research Professor, Pontotoc Ridge-Flatwoods Branch (NIFA)

                                Dr. Ashley Schulz, Assistant Professor, Forestry (Forest Service & Outreach)
