You Have All This DATA! Now What? Research Computing & Data Management

15 Feb 2:00 pm

Lauren Geiger, Dr. Carolina Siniscalchi and Mike Navicky


In-person and Virtual

In the last twenty years, dozens of steps have been added to grant proposal submission procedures. Since 2013, one of these steps has been the inclusion of data management plans and the requirement to make grant results publicly available. Data sharing requirements were further updated in a 2022 Office of Science and Technology Policy, which has impacted how federal funding agencies will manage the public sharing of research data and results. With these stricter data sharing policies upcoming in 2025, understanding what is expected from research teams and their institutions is of essence. Having an effective research data management framework that spans the whole data lifecycle is key to keep all your data and research outputs organized and ready to share. Please join us for a discussion on the how the High-Performance Computing Collaboratory (HPC²) and University Libraries' new partnership can assist you with data sharing requirements and ensure that your data is usable for years to come. 




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20240215_ORED_seminar.pptx 12.26 MB