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Merging Past and Future

Merging Past and Future

The Mississippi State University honors college mounted the Roman comedy Trinummus (Three-Dollar Day), which showcased the collaboration between art and technology by integrating robots into scenes with the student cast.

Dr. Donna Clevinger knows how to attract an audience to the theatre. Clevinger, a professor in the Shackouls Honors College and Professor in the Communication/Theatre Department, led an innovative stage production of the Roman comedy Trinummus (Three-Dollar Day), showcasing the collaboration between art and technology. By integrating three robots into the student cast, Clevinger brought this 2,000-year-old play to life, demonstrating how ancient works can engage with modern technological advancements.   

In addition to providing entertainment to the university and community audiences that may be a first in Mississippi, this project underscored the relevance of classical arts and provided students with an interdisciplinary learning experience. By blending theater and robotics, students explored the creative possibilities at the intersection of humanities and STEM fields. “This proves that you can combine art and technology,” Clevinger noted, emphasizing how such collaborations can inspire future generations of students who are passionate about both disciplines.   

The performances, part of MSU’s Classical Week, highlighted the university’s commitment to merging traditional scholarship with innovative practices, preparing students to think creatively and collaboratively in their academic and professional futures. 

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Department of Communication - Theatre

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